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Boucle d'Or Afghan KAL : square 16

Here are the directions to square 16 of the Boucle D'Or Afghan. For more information about this project follow this link.


(la version française taille poupée de ce carré est publiée ici, celle de la taille bébé et celle de la taille adulte ).


 As the patterns for this square aren't the same whether you'll be knitting the doll or baby afghan or the adult one, mind you follow the right pattern directions for the size you've chosen.
First we'll see the directions for the small owl pattern for the doll and baby size afghan and then the directions for the owl's family pattern for the adult size afghan.


the doll and baby size : 

SAM 2594

Cast on 20 (30) sts with color B.
Work 3 (3) ridges  

only for the baby size :

 Row 1 (RS) - k 3, p24, k 3

Row 2 (WS) - k  30

Repeat these 2 rows 3 times

for both sizes, foundation row (RS) :

k3, p2 (7), make one stitch purl (M1P), p1, pm, work 8sts chart S, pm, M1P, p3 (8), k3 -- 22 (32) sts.


Pattern :

Row 1 (WS) :  k 7(12), work 8 sts chart S, k 7(12)
Row 2 (RS) : k3, p 4(9), work 8 sts chart S, p 4(9), k3
Repeat these 2 rows until 17 rows of Chart S have been worked once


next row (WS) : k 5(10), knit 2 sts together (k2tog), work 8 sts chart S, k2tog, k5(10) -- 20 (30) sts.  

After ending the owl :

Row 1- k 3, p24, k 3
Row 2- k 30

Repeat these 2 rows once(4 times)


Next row: work 2 (2) ridges
Cast off


the adult size :

SAM 5819

Cast on 60 sts with color B.
Work 4 ridges  


 Row 1 (RS) - k 4, p52, k 4

Row 2 (WS) - k 60

Repeat these 2 rows 9 times

 foundation row (RS) :

k4, p2, make one stitch purl (M1P), p1, pm, work 8sts chart S (first small owl), pm, p1,M1P, p1, pm, work 8sts chart S (second small owl), pm, p1,M1P, p1, pm, work 8sts chart S (third small owl), pm, M1P, p1,  M1P, p1,   pm, work 16 sts chart B (big owl), pm, M1P, p3, k4 -- 66 sts.


Pattern : 

Row 1 (WS) : k8, work 16 sts chart B (big owl), k4, work 8sts chart S (third small owl), k3, work 8sts chart S (second small owl), k3, work 8sts chart S (first small owl), k8
Row 2 (RS) : k4, p4, work 8sts chart S (first small owl), p3, work 8sts chart S (second small owl), p3, work 8sts chart S (third small owl), p4, work 16 sts chart B (big owl), p4, k4

Repeat these 2 rows until 17 rows of Chart S have been worked once


next row (WS) :         k8, work 16 sts chart B (big owl), k2, knit 2 sts together (k2tog) , work 8sts chart S (third small owl), k1, k2tog, work 8sts chart S (second small owl), k1, k2tog, work 8sts chart S (first small owl), k2tog, k6 -- 62 sts.  

After ending the three small owls, carrry on with only chart B

Row 1 (RS) : k4, p34, work 16 sts chart B (big owl), p4, k4

Row 2 (WS) : k8, work 16 sts chart B (big owl), k38

Repeat these 2 rows until 35 rows of Chart S have been worked once

next row (WS) :  k6, k2tog, work 16 sts chart B (big owl), k2tog ,  k36 -- 60 sts.  


After ending the big owl :

Row 1 (RS)  - k 4, p52, k 4
Row 2 (WS) - k 60

Repeat these 2 rows twice( 8 times)


Next row: work 3 ridges
Cast off



How to use the charts:
endroit K on right side (RS) , P on wrong side (WS)


envers P on RS, K on WS



legg.jpg 2/2RC: slip 2 stitches on cable needle and hold at back of work. K2 , then K2 from cable needle.


legg3.jpg2/2LC: slip 2 stitches on cable needle and hold at front of work. K2; K2 from cable needle.



  tord.jpg  4/4RC: slip 4 stitches on cable needle and hold at back of work. K4 , then K4 from cable needle.


torg-copie-1.jpg 4/4LC: slip 4 stitches on cable needle and hold at front of work. K4; K4 from cable needle. 


chart S : over 8 sts


Row 1, 5, 7, 9, 15 - k8

Row 2 and all following WS rows except row 14 - p8

Row 3, 11, 17 -   2/2LC, 2/2RC   

Row 13 -  k1, p2, k2, p2, k1

Row 14 - p1, k2, p2, k2, p1


Eyes: add eyes on the purl stitches within the cable pattern.
I chose embroidery with the french knot which I discovered in this tutorial from L'Atelier de Circé.


chart B : over 16 sts


Row 1, 3, 7,9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 35 - k16

Row 2 and all following WS rows except rows 26 and 28 - p16

Row 5, 21, 33 -   4/4LC, 4/4RC   

Row 25, 27 -  k2, p4, k4, p4, k2

Row 26, 28 - p2, k4, p4, k4, p2

Eyes: add eyes on the purl stitches within the cable pattern. 


 Thank you Sophie for this English version.

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