23 Janvier 2011
Here are the instructions for squares number 10 and 11 of the Boucle d'Or Afghan, introducing smocking stitches. For more information about this project follow this link.
(les versions françaises de ces carrés sont publiés ici et là)
The patterns for these two squares are smocked in two steps.
First we'll knit a rib pattern,
then using a yarn needle, we'll gather the bars together, two by two, alternating the bars.
For square number 10, we'll knit a 2/2 ribbing pattern .
Cast on 20 (30, 60) sts with color A.
Work 2 (2,3) ridges
next row (RS) : k2030(60)
foundation row (WS) :
doll size : k4, [make one stitch purl (M1P), p1, k2] 4 times, M1P, p1, M1, k3 -- 26 sts.
baby size : k3, make one stitch (M1), k1, [make one stitch purl (M1P), p1, k2] 7 times, M1P, p1, M1, k4 -- 40 sts.
adult size : k4, make one stitch (M1), k1, [make one stitch purl (M1P), p1, k2] 17 times, k4 -- 78 sts.
begin pattern:
row 1 (RS):
doll size : k3,
p1, [ k2,p2] 4 times, k2, p1, k3.
baby size : k3, [p2, k2] 8 times, p2, k3
adult size : k4, [ p2, k2] 17 times, p2, k4
row 2 (WS):
doll size : k4, [p2, k2] 4 times, p2, k4
baby size : k5, [p2, k2] 8 times, k3
adult size : k6, [ p2, k2] 17 times, k4
Repeat these 2 rows 11 (16,36) times
Next row (RS):
doll size : k2, knit 2 sts together (k2tog), [k2tog, k2] 4 times, k2tog, k4 -- 20 sts.
baby size : k3, knit 2 sts together (k2tog) , [k2tog, k2] 7 times, [k2tog] twice, k3 -- 30 sts.
adult size : k4, knit 2 sts together (k2tog), [k2tog, k2] 17
times, k4 -- 60 sts.
Next row (WS): k2030(60)
Next row : work 1 (1,2) ridges
Cast off
Once the square is finished, using a yarn neddle and a bit of yarn we'll gather the ribs two by two on one
line, three rows away from the foundation row.
For the next line, using the same technique (four rows from the previous line), we'll gather again the ribs two by two but shifting ribs. (for instance if you've
sewn rib A with B and then C with D on the first line, you'll be sewing rib B with C and rib D with E on the second line, leaving rib A free.)
Here's a step by step tutorial with photos to make things clearer.
Starting with the two ribs to the right: thread a yarn needle with a bit of wool (either the same colour than the square or the other colour in order to contrast,
that's a matter of taste.)
Thread the needle from back of work to the front just by the right hand side of the first rib, counting three rows up from the foundation row.
Thread the needle through the work just to the left of the second rib, three rows away from the foundation row.
Make a knot on WS of work and cut off the extra yarn
RS of work should appear like this.
Start again with a new bit of thread gathering the third and fourth rib, then fifth and sixth, and so on until the first line is done.
For the second line, leaving aside the first rib, thread the needle from the back of the work to the front, just to the right of the second rib counting from the
right, four rows above the previous line (seven rows above the foundation row)
Thread the needle through the work towards the back of the work, just to the left of the third rib.
Once again thread the needle through the same stitches.
Tie a knot on the WS and the pattern appears like this.
Continue with ribs 4 and 5, and so on until the line is complete.
The third line is done like the first and the fourth is like the second... You should have the hang of it by now!
Carry on until you've reached the top of the square.
The videos will probably make things clearer although they're in french.
For square number 11, the pattern is that of a 3/1 rib, then we'll once again gather the ribs two by two using the same technique, every four row gathering the ribs two by two alternately.
Cast on 20 (30, 60) sts with color A.
Work 2 (2,3) ridges
next row (RS) : k2030(60)
foundation row (WS) :
doll size : k4, [p1, make one stitch (M1), k2] 4 times, p1, M1, k3 -- 25 sts.
baby size : k3, make one stitch (M1), k1, [p1,M1, k2] 7 times, p1, M1, k4 -- 39 sts.
adult size : k4, make one stitch (M1), k1, [p1,M1, k2] 16 times, p1, k6 -- 77 sts.
begin pattern:
row 1 (RS):
doll size : k3,
p1, [ k1,p3] 4 times, k1, p1, k3.
baby size : k3, p2, [k1,p3] 7 times, k1, p2, k3
adult size : k4, p2, [ k1,p3] 16 timeS, k1,
p2, k4
row 2 (WS):
doll size : k4, [p1, k3] 4 times, p1, k4
baby size : k5, [p1, k3] 7 times, p1, k5
adult size : k6, [ p1, k3] 16 times, p1, k6
Repeat these 2 rows 11 (16,36) times
Next row (RS):
doll size : k3, knit 2 sts together (k2tog), [k1,k2tog, k1] 4 times, k4 -- 20 sts.
baby size : k3, knit 2 sts together (k2tog) , [k2, k2tog] 7 times, k1, k2tog, k3 -- 30 sts.
adult size : k4, knit 2 sts together (k2tog), [k2, k2tog] 16
times, k2, k4 -- 60 sts.
Next row (WS): k2030(60)
Next row : work 1 (1,2) ridges
Cast off
Thank you Sophie for this English version.